Eve Online Isk To Real Money


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Botters, Real-Money Transactions, and the 59B ISK Condor

On Saturday, January 20, a bizarre entry appeared on zkillboard. It showed a Condor, completely unfit, being ganked in Jita for a loss of nearly 59 billion ISK.

Fifty-nine billion ISK.

The cargo that made it so valuable was 73 Large Skill Injectors, at a market price of over 800 million apiece at the time. After my laughter subsided, I was left with one question: who flies 73 Large Skill Injectors around in a totally naked tier-1 frigate? It was probably not someone with extensive knowledge of the game or its mechanics, because a veteran would most likely have flown a ship better suited for high-value cargo. So what could the answer be?

A week and a half ago, INN ran an article about a botter who had lost eight supercarriers in one night. Could the mystery Condor have been connected to botting and real-money ISK selling? I couldn’t think of any other explanation for the combination of extravagant wealth and seemingly total ineptitude.

Third-Party Activity

Before I go further, I want to issue the obvious reminder: the only CCP-approved method of exchanging your real money for in-game ISK and items involves going through CCP themselves. Purchasing from a third party is an extremely bad idea that can result in your account being compromised or banned, so don’t do it. The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only. Okay? Okay.

With that said, I went to a site earlier to see what was out there. It turns out that the answer is “pretty much everything.” One entry I found was for skill injectors. The price for a single one is $5.45 (all figures USD), which makes the aforementioned Condor’s cargo worth a potential $397.85 in real-world currency.

The same seller had listings for PLEX, ISK, and even a Raitaru and Astrahus. One thought-provoking piece of information I found was that the injectors from this seller had “936 sold.” That figure was 933 when I first checked the listing eight hours ago. Three sales of $5.45 would not be very impressive, but considering buyers can potentially be purchasing 100 injectors for $449.95, it’s not out of line to suggest that this one sellers account – and there are others – may have taken in multiple hundreds of dollars today alone.

An Expert’s Perspective

At this point, I turned to Noizy Gamer, an expert in Eve-related botting, real-money transactions (RMT), and black market activity. His expertise is well known around Eve; he was even invited to participate in the Security presentation at Fanfest 2015. The first thing I learned is that real-money transactions can be extremely lucrative.

“I’ve got one seller who I tracked $110k in ISK and skill injector sales just in 2017,” he told me matter-of-factly.

“Now, these are sales figures,” he added as my jaw came up from the floor. “There are a lot of things that cut into the profits. Did you know ISK/SP/titan sellers have to pay taxes on some sites? I saw someone in the UK selling a titan on a site. He had to pay VAT on it. That’s 20% off the top right there.”

Noizy Gamer also pointed out that, at current Jita prices, a Large Skill Injector is worth about $9.25 if purchased with ISK that was converted from CCP-purchased PLEX. The $5.45 price available on the site I visited represents a significant discount from that, which means we’re talking about lots of money that CCP is losing to third parties. Compared with a game like Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft, which does client-side scanning to detect bot programs running, why doesn’t CCP seem to be as aggressive at combating the practice?

Noizy gave three reasons. “First, Blizzard has a lot more resources, including legal, to throw at the problem. Second, Blizzard don’t [care] about people getting their feelings hurt by them looking around your computer. CCP has been hesitant about that in the past. Third, CCP is more hesitant about banning people unless they are absolutely sure. Then again, CCP has tougher penalties. The part about resources is huge. If CCP does client-side detection looking for processes of bots running, that turns into a game of cat-and-mouse that they don’t have the resources to fight.” You can check this excellent entry on his blog for more information about what CCP is actively doing to fight RMT.

As that blog entry shows, it is quite inaccurate to suggest that CCP are not concerned about botters. After all, they’re acutely aware of the damage being done to their bottom line, as well as the numerous other ways that RMT and botters are bad for the game. Noizy Gamer did show me a post on a Russian forum, which he requested that I not link to in this article, and which detailed 61 different botting-related accounts being reported as banned. CCP are certainly not inactive; they’re merely overwhelmed by the scope of the problem. One way that regular players can help is by keeping an eye out for what they consider to be botting activity. Noizy explains: “If you think you have spotted a big [botting] ring, and you provide solid proof, there’s a program that CCP runs that gives out PLEX. It’s called PLEX for Snitches.” This could involve things like timestamps, to see if the same character reports to a site at the same time every day. It could involve video evidence if you have a program like Fraps that can record what’s happening on your screen. If you’re in lowsec or nullsec, do what comes naturally and blap the fool. “If you gank a ship, and the bot comes back in a pod, that’s good evidence,” Noizy Gamer said.

So What About the Condor?

All of this brings us back to that naked Condor undocking in Jita with 59,000,000,000 worth of skill injectors. What’s up with that thing?

“It’s almost certainly a botter,” said one source I’ve used in previous INN articles. “A lot of those folks have zero understanding of the game’s mechanics.” The person who loaded the ship may not even have known or understood why it was such a bad idea to transport valuable cargo in a fragile ship.

An INN editor I talked to wasn’t so sure. “It could legit be someone moving stuff to a Perimeter citadel to sell.” With sales tax being lower at player-owned stations, a substantial amount of money can be saved by selling an item somewhere other than the Jita trade hub.

Noizy Gamer, though, had his own perspective. “What happens is that ISK sellers go to Jita because that’s where all the economic action is. FYI – that’s standard gold seller behavior in any game. They then make their trades out in space. When you see a kill like this, it’s either an ISK seller trying to deliver the product, or a buyer trying to get the product safely to a station. But yeah, odds are, it was an RMT sale gone bad.”

One Final Word

I want to close with one final observation: the black market only exists to fill a demand. The people who buy ISK and Raitarus from these sites are the reason the botters exist. Besides reporting botters when you find them, the most important thing you could do is refuse to buy from third parties, and tell all your friends in the game to do the same. Create a corporation-wide and alliance-wide culture of zero tolerance for behavior that enables botters to thrive and profit. I promise you I’m not saying this because I’m some sort of CCP corporate shill. I’m saying it because I, like you, hate botters. I’m saying it because I, like you, don’t want my ISK and my items to be worth less due to inflation from having the market flooded by bot-harvested ore and modules. It doesn’t make any sense at all for us to say “I hate botters” and then turn around and give them our money. Noizy Gamer agrees: “If people weren’t willing to go on the black market to buy cheap ISK, then there wouldn’t be so much botting to fulfil the demand. So don’t buy PLEX from anyone except CCP or an authorized PLEX reseller.”

In the meantime, if you see a Condor flying into Jita, go ahead and give it a scan. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll end up 59 billion ISK richer.

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Once players have completed the Tutorial they need to find their own way in New Eden. EVE is a sandbox and players will soon find they need to make their own entertainment and income. This brief guide intends to describe some of the typical options that many EVE players pursue, together with the likely income from them.

EVE University offers
a class on:
  • 1Administrative and Meta Careers
  • 2Business careers
  • 3Combat careers
  • 4Exploration careers
  • 5Industrial careers
  • 6Outlaw Careers

Administrative and Meta Careers

These careers involve either organising players or providing services for other players to assist them in playing the game.

Corporate Executive

Main article: Forming a Corporation

Corporations often need a lot of manpower to run successfully. People are need to advertise the corporation, recruit members, set policies, conduct diplomacy with other corporations, arrange logistics and ensure that everything runs smoothly. Available roles will depend on your corporation and their needs. Players can even start their own corporation, although this is often suited to more experienced players who are able to use their experience in game to build a successful corporation. Starting a corporation often requires a large amount of starting capital - more so if the corporation will own structures like Citadels or Engineering Complexes.

EVE University members should see Helping EVE University for ways they can start to help out.
Average Income:

There is no such thing as an average income as it varies so widely depending on the size of the corporation and the taxes/fees charged

CSM member

EVE Online has a player-elected council known as the Council of Stellar Management (CSM), who provide feedback to CCP about the game and raises any concerns players have. New CSM members are elected once per year and attend meetings with CCP in Iceland as well as participating in online discussions about the direction of the game. They are required to sign a legal 'Non Disclosure Agreement' before they start their term as a CSM member.

Average Income:

CSM members are unpaid, but their real life expenses are reimbursed (e.g. travel expenses).

EVE journalist

There are many third party sites and podcasts dedicated to EVE Online. Many of them accept submissions and guest slots by players. This would particularly suit a player with good communication skills who has a unique perspective on the game. CCP also sometimes needs players to act as presenters for official events such as the Alliance Tournament and Fanfest.

Average Income:

Most of these opportunities will be unpaid.

Business careers

Business careers focus on moving and selling goods to make a profit. They make use of New Eden's player to player market.


Main article: Hauling

Logistics is vital in EVE Online, and haulers move items from point A to point B. It can be profitable to buy items cheaply in one place and sell them elsewhere, where there is greater demand. Other players will also often pay well for the service of moving their items through 'courier contracts'. The skills required to fly a basic industrial ship are low, but the amount of cargo it can carry is fairly small and it is vulnerable to attack, particularly in lower security areas. Players can train to fly a range of specialised hauling ships to carry bigger loads or to haul in lower security space. There are entire corporations dedicated to fulfilling courier contracts for a price.

It is not advisable to haul with a character in EVE University, since we are at war most of the time. For those who wish to try hauling as a career, we would strongly recommend Creating an Alt Hauler instead.
Average Income:
  • Courier contracts: Approx 50 - 70 M ISK/hour
  • Hauling goods for sale: <no data>

Skill Farming

Main article: Skill Farming

Skill farming is a career in EVE Online that uses a character to train skills solely to extract and sell their skill points, creating a passive income stream.

Potential Income:

After initial preparations are completed, skill farming has the potential to return 3,044,511,048.17 ISK every 30 days (or 4,228,487.57 ISK per hour) on an investment of 1 day of game time.


Main article: Trading

EVE Online has a complex player-driven market, which is studied by students of economics. By investing their ISK correctly, players can make a profit from buying and selling goods. This requires some starting capital and a good grasp of supply and demand. Some traders focus on buying and selling goods in the same station, while some will buy items with a view to selling them elsewhere for a higher price. Trading can be very competitive, especially in high traffic areas such as Trade Hubs, which can drive down profits. However, if a player finds a suitable niche it can yield a high income.

Combat careers

Combat is something that us unavoidable in EVE Online. Many players thrive on honing their combat skills, either against other players or against NPCs.

Faction Warfare

Main article: Faction Warfare

In EVE lore there are four factions: Amarr, Caldari, Gallente and Minmatar. These factions are perpetually engaged in a struggle for power, and fight for control over certain areas of low security space. Players can join one of the factions and fight players from opposing factions in order to earn Loyalty Points and standings with their faction. Participating in faction warfare means that players can be attacked by members of their opposing faction anywhere, so it is a dedicated profession. Players are not restricted on which faction they join and can even join a different faction to their character's race, provided they have sufficient standings with that faction. There are many dedicated faction warfare corporations.

EVE University does not participate in faction warfare as a corporation, though members are free to participate with their alts.


Main article: Incursions

Incursions are high end PVE content, involving repelling NPC invaders as part of a fleet. Incursions appear in various systems around New Eden, so incursion runners tend to be nomadic and move from system to system following the incursion areas. Incursions are rewarded with ISK and Loyalty Points, though payouts are only made to a limited number of people on grid at the same time. For this reason, it is particularly important that each member of the fleet is effective in their role and so they tend to fly battleships and T2 logistics.

For EVE University members, our EVE University Incursion Community always needs players to act as scouts or pickets, and this role does not require any specific skills or experience. In return for keeping the incursion fleet safe, they will provide tips, which can be a very lucrative income for a new player. However, note that this is specific to our community, and not a role that all incursion communities use.
Average Income:
  • Vanguards: 60 - 120 M ISK/hour
  • Headquarters: 150 - 300 M ISK/hour (heavily influenced by fleet composition and CONCORD LP-conversion)
  • Scouting or picketing: 30 - 60 M ISK/hour

Mission running

Main article: Missions

Missions are one-time jobs offered to players by NPC agents. There are various types of basic missions, including combat, mining and courier. There are also more advanced missions called COSMOS and Epic Arc missions. Completing a mission is rewarded with ISK, Loyalty Points and standings with the agent and NPC corporation involved. Some missions also give a time bonus and some give items also (particularly the Career Agents missions). There are various levels of missions, which are increasingly more difficult to complete. Level one missions are easy for Alpha Clones or very new players to complete, but the rewards are low. In contrast, level five missions only appear in low security space and can normally only be done as part of a fleet. Players will need high standing with agents to be able to request higher level missions.

Average Income:
  • Level 1 missions: 1M per hour
  • Level 2 missions: 2-4 M ISK per hour
  • Level 3 missions: 5-10 M ISK per hour
  • Level 4 missions: 30 - 200 M ISK per hour (very dependent on skills, fit, type of missions, LP conversion)


PvP is a fundamental part of EVE Online. Players can attack or be attacked by anyone at any time. Many player make PVP their main profession, and spend their time hunting for fights. PVP can be done either solo, in a small group or part of a huge fleet. It encompasses everything from frigate brawls to huge Titans. There are also various different roles players can fill, including tackler, damage dealer, scout, stealth bomber, EWAR pilot, logistics and fleet commander. To thrive in PVP players will benefit from a good tactical mind and a quick trigger finger, but it is easy to get into and can be done by Alpha Clones and very new players. Some players will go one step further and become a mercenary, who can be hired to do PVP for a price. Alternatively some players decide to become bounty hunters, and hunt down players who have an active bounty. Some players choose to become pirates, and hunt down their victims to either pillage their goods or demand a ransom for their ship or pod.

EVE University members must follow the EVE University Rules at all times, including our rules of engagement, honesty and respect for others.


As well as other players, New Eden is full of hostile NPCc which are known in short as 'rats'. These spawn at asteroid belts, in cosmic anomalies and at stargates. Destroying rats earns a ISK payment in return for the bounty, as well as any loot or salvage which is dropped in the wreck. Some rats drop items known as Security tags which can be valuable. Some tags can be used to increase a player's security status. The rewards vary depending on the security level of the system, but the income is normally not high enough to justify it as a sole career, it is often something use players use to supplement their income and boost their security status when needed.

Average Income:
  • In High sec: 1-3 M ISK per hour
  • In Low sec: 10-20 M ISK per hour
  • In Null sec: 25+ M ISK per hour (depends on the security level: the lower security the harder rats the higher income)
  • In Wormhole space:
    • C1 holes: 20-50 M ISK/hour
    • C2 holes: 20-50 M ISK/hour
    • C3 holes: 60-200 M ISK/hour
    • C4 holes: <no data>
    • C5 holes: 180-250 M ISK/hour
    • C6 holes: <no data>

Exploration careers

New Eden is vast and contains many secret sites with hidden valuables. Exploration is about tracking down those sites.

Exploration and hacking

Eve Online Isk To Real Money Chart

Main article: Exploration

Players can use their onboard scanner together with a probe launcher to scan down Cosmic Anomalies and Cosmic Signatures. These will contain either groups of pirate NPCs, resources like gas clouds or asteroid belts, hackable containers with loot or wormholes. Hacking and archaeology involve a mini-game to break into the container. Lower security areas tend to yield the most valuable loot and resources, but players are vulnerable when doing exploration which is why it's best to use a ship that can cloak. Exploration is easy to get started with and can be a potentially lucrative source of income, especially for a new player. Wormhole sites are a more advanced form of exploration in more hostile space.

Average Income:
  • In high-sec, low-sec and null-sec: up-to 1M per site
  • Wormhole sites:
    • C1 holes: 20-50 M ISK/hour
    • C2 holes: 30-60 M ISK/hour
    • C3 holes: 100-200 M ISK/hour
    • C4 holes: <no data>
    • C5 holes: 50-150 M ISK/hour (Server Bank site only)
    • C6 holes: <no data>
  • Ghost sites: 30-60 M ISK per site, reported cases with up to a few hundred million ISK per site


Main article: Salvaging

Each time a player or NPC ship explodes it drops a wreck. The wreck sometimes contains loot, but the wreck itself can also be salvaged for useful parts. Salvaging enable a player to collect those parts with a view to either selling them or processing them rigs for ships. Salvaging can be a profitable side career, normally alongside either mission running or PVP. Salvaging is quick to train into and can be done by a new player, often as part of a mission fleet. The salvage is normally split between the fleet members, so it can be a good income for relatively little effort. Players can use tractor beams to pull wrecks towards them for faster salvaging, and there a is even a specialised ship, the Noctis. Alternatively, players can use a Mobile Tractor Unit which collects the wrecks in one place.

Industrial careers

Industrial careers are focused on gathering resources and creating ships and items. This is often referred to in other games as 'crafting'.


Main article: Manufacturing

Almost everything in New Eden is created by players. Blueprints can be used to produce items from minerals, which can either be refined or bought from the market. Manufacturers may create items for personal use, or to sell on the market for a profit. Although the basic skills required to manufacture items can be trained quickly, increased skills will greatly improve efficiency. Players need a base to start manufacturing, which could be an NPC station or a player owned structure such as an Engineering Complex. Manufacturing can yield a good income, but some items cost more to manufacture than they are worth so it is possible to make a loss also. It can also be highly competitive, driving down profits in high traffic areas. In addition to manufacturing, players can carry out invention to create more valuable T2 items, and conduct research to improve the efficiency of blueprints, making them more valuable. Players can work with dedicated research agents to obtain datacores, which can then be used in invention.

Average Income:

<no data>

Mining and refining

Main article: Mining

Asteroid belts spawn throughout New Eden and can be mined to extract ores. In addition to ores, players can use specialised equipment to mine ice from ice belts and harvest gas from gas clouds. The ore, ice and gas can either be sold in its raw form, or refined into minerals. In general rarer and more valuable resources are found in lower security space. Mining has a low entry barrier, though mining efficiency can be substantially improved by training the right skills and implants and using more advanced equipment and ships. Alpha clones can mine, although the only specialised mining ship they can use is the Venture. Players can mine either alone or as part of a mining fleet, and can produce a stable income stream. However, miners are always vulnerable to attacks by other players as well as can flippers, so it can be a risky profession, particularly in lower security areas.

For EVE University members, the Amarr Mining Campus specialises in mining.
Average Income:
  • Mining Ore:
    • solo mining (no boosts): <no data>
    • fleet mining (with boosts) <no data>
  • Harvesting Ice: <no data>
  • Harvesting Gas in known-space: <no data>
  • Harvesting Gas in wormholes:
    • low level gas sites (Barren, Minor, Ordinary, Sizeable, Token): 15-20 M ISK/hour
    • mid-level gas sites (Vital and Bountiful): up-to 30-40 M ISK/hour
    • high-level gas sites (Instrumental and Vital): up-to 50-70 M ISK/hour

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Planetary Industry

Main article: Planetary Industry

New Eden has thousands of planets, and players can establish a colony on a planet in order to produce resources. The resources (or 'commodities') which are produced can either be sold in their raw form, or combined with other commodities to make more complex products. Ultimately these can be used to make fuel and parts for structures, boosters and components. Planets in lower security areas tend to yield more valuable commodities. Planetary Industry has a low entry barrier, although through training skills players can increase the number of planets and the efficiency of their colony. Planetary Industry does not normally require much active management once the colony is established, and most players will use it as a passive supplement to their other income.

Average Income:
  • High-sec planet: <no data>
  • Low-sec planet: <no data>
  • Null-sec planet: <no data>
  • Wormhole planet: 4-6M per planet per day with daily monitoring

Outlaw Careers

Unlike many other games, being a criminal is a viable career option in EVE Online, and not against the EULA. Many players find that crime does pay, quite handsomely.

Can Flipping

Main article: Can flipping

Players can jettison items into space, creating a jetcan which can be opened not just by the player who created it, but by anyone. A common reason for players to do this is when they are mining, to store their ore for later retrieval. Some players use this as an opportunity to steal the ore inside the jetcan, which is known as 'can flipping'. Sometimes this is done purely for the goods inside, but it is often done to provoke the miner into trying to attack the person stealing their ore. This will set off a combat timer, allowing the 'can flipper' to switch into another ship and shoot the miner with no retaliation from CONCORD (since they are technically acting in self-defense from the point of view of the game).

Can flipping is prohibited for EVE University members under the EVE University Rules.

Scamming or theft

Scamming others out of their ISK or luring them into traps can be an exciting way for some people to play the game. Such scams take many forms. Some of the most common are misleading contracts, selling goods for much more than they are worth, 'ISK doubling' scams, making players an offer that is too good to be true for the purpose of leading them into an ambush, requesting ISK in return for joining a corporation, infiltrating a corporation for the purposes of emptying their corporate resources. It will suit a certain kind of player who thrives on the chase and has the confidence and personal skills to pull it off. The income can potentially be huge, there have been some very high profile corporation thefts of many billions.

Scamming and theft are prohibited for EVE University members under the EVE University Rules.
Average Income:

Nothing all the way up to many billions for a high profile corporation theft.

See also

  • https://slides.eveuniversity.org/?slidesID=270 - Slides for the Introduction to EVE Careers class
  • - A plan showing how different careers interact with each other
  • https://content.eveonline.com/CareerGuide/EVECAREERSGUIDE.pdf - EON magazine's EVE careers guide (as per the Apocrypha expansion in 2009)
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