Best In Slot Holy Priest Shadowlands
- Holy Priest Best Trinkets
- Best In Slot Holy Priest Shadowlands
- Holy Priest Bis 9.1
- Best Trinkets Holy Priest Shadowlands
- Best In Slot Holy Priest Shadowlands Guide
- Holy Priest Bis Legendary Shadowlands
Best in Slot (BiS) Gear List. These are hand-crafted BiS lists that aim to maximize your characters' power by putting together the best combination of items. Our goal is to do the most complete research so you don't have to. Optional items are listed for every slot. Holy Priest Healing With Flash Concentration. Posted on December 15, 2020. Flash Concentration is a shiny new legendary power available to us in Shadowlands. Obtained from Grand Proctor Beryllia in Sanguine Depths, this legendary power can be crafted onto your Neck or Wrist. Equipping it causes casts of Flash Heal to. How to Gear a Holy Priest in Shadowlands Gearing a character can be fairly involved in Shadowlands especially when you need to optimize for a wide variety of content. Below you'll find information on how to gear a Holy Priest in Season 2 of Shadowlands including Best in Slot recommendations. Holy Priest Gear Guide. The current best in slot gear for Holy Priests optimizing PvE healing in WoW Shadowlands 9.1.
All four covenants are VERY close for Holy Priest, none of them bringing anything insane unfortunately.
Ultimately, your covenant choice will not make a big difference in your throughput for holy. Necrolord and Kyrian are both close in throughput (2-4% of your overall healing), whereas Night Fae and Venthyr do not add any throughput, but may be better for other aspects of the game if you for instance want to do PVP, playing Discipline or playing Shadow.
The Kyrian covenant ability, Boon of the Ascended offers a 10s window where you have a high single target nuke that heals in Ascended Blast and a decent, spammable ability in Ascended Nova which heals around you for a small amount.
After the 10s window, you release a decent sized explosion of healing and damage around you. The spell power value of Blast is high for an instant cast and neither Ascended Blast or Ascended Nova costs any mana, so you have a 10 seconds time window of spending 0 mana.
The Kyrian covenant ability gives you a 3 charge potion that does not share CD with healthstone or healthpot, heals you for 15% of your max hp and removes diseases, poisons, curses and bleeds from you. This can remove some very powerful debuffs in Mythic+ or raids.
The Necrolord ability, Unholy Nova, is very easy to use in any environment and will provide a short soft-CD every minute that will heal and deal damage.
Kyrian: Kleia & Pelagos
Both Pelagos and Kleia are good choices at the moment.
Pelagos will let you put 2 Potency conduits, and his key ability: Combat Meditation offers you a large amount of mastery every time you activate your Boon of the Ascended. It has an extra mechanic, where you spawn orbs around you and walking into those extends the mastery buff by 3 seconds per orb. This is a very strong trait for both Mythic+ and raiding, since generally, you will be using your Boon of the Ascended on high damage intake moments, such as the last 10-15 seconds you are fighting the Prideful affix, making mastery very valuable.
Kleia will let you put only one Potency, because the Pointed Courage trait is worth the taking, being better than your second Potency conduit. It will give you +5% crit chance, which is a good stat for Holy as long as you have allies and/or enemies within 8y (which is very likely on most fights), and synergizes well with Valiant Strikes, even if it was nerfed since the early beta.
Necrolord: Emeni
Emeni is a solid choice thanks to Lead by Example, granting you and 4 of your allies Intellect every minute when using your Unholy Nova, reinforcing your soft-burst window for 10 seconds.
Potency: Resonant Words - this potency conduit offers you a very large Heal or Flash Heal after every Holy Word. In both raiding and Mythic+ this conduit will give you a very powerful single-target heal. Using the effect from Resonant Words is most effective on Heal, but do not be afraid to use it on a Flash Heal if you deem it necessary.
Once you unlock a second potency slot, you will likely want Focused Mending, which offers a small healing increase throughout the encounter.
Holy Oration will be better than Focused Mending, but only if it gives you a Holy Word: Salvation that you would not be able to cast otherwise, it is, however, going to be a risk that we do not recommend taking.
![Best In Slot Holy Priest Shadowlands Best In Slot Holy Priest Shadowlands](
Endurance: Translucent Image - Reduces your damage taken for a short duration after pressing Fade. Gives Holy Priest just a slight increase to their survivability, which is much appreciated for a low mobility class without impressive defensives.
Legendaries for raiding
Best legendaries:Flash Concentration, Harmonious Apparatus (& X'anshi, Return of Archbishop Benedictus)
Flash Concentration is the default choice, but it will change your gameplay a bit. You need to stack 5x Flash Heal, before switching to an efficient Heal spam. Keep in mind that you must refresh the buff by using a Flash Heal before the 20 seconds expires. Luckily, this is an easy task thanks to the Surge of Light procs.
Harmonious Apparatus is another strong legendary, much more baseline; this one won’t affect your gameplay too much, as long as you keep spamming your low-CDs spells when available (Prayer of Mending, Circle of Healing for the healing-part), and granting you a slight DPS increase too if needed.
X'anshi, Return of Archbishop Benedictus is the “progress”/”cheese mechanic” legendary; after Spirit of Redemption expires, you will revive up to 100% health, based on your effectiveness during Spirit of Redemption. After reviving, you cannot benefit from Spirit of Redemption for 10 minutes.
X’anshi was a fan favourite in Legion when it was first introduced, and to the joy of holy priest players, it has returned in Shadowlands. Once per encounter, you return back to life after dying without consuming a combat res. It is great for progress where mistakes do happen. It is also going to allow you to keep pulls going for longer and allowing your guild to progress faster.
If you’re very confident in the encounter and you can find a good spot, dying on purpose to trigger Spirit of Redemption can allow you to produce a lot of healing with no mana constraints.
Legendaries for Mythic+
Twins of the Sun Priestess Power Infusion also grants you 100% of its effects when used on an ally.
In Mythic+, your optimal play is usually giving Power Infusion to a DPS player, generally, this will be on larger packs where Power Infusion boosting you as well will have some benefit. Even during boss fights, as mentioned previously Holy Priest has the ability to do a lot of damage in Shadowlands and this legendary will allow you to help your group with even more damage.
Holy Priest Best Trinkets
Shards of Domination
The patch 9.1 is introducing some new gems; Shards of Domination, that you can socket in a Domination Socket. These ones are available on any cloth helmet, shoulders, chest, wrists and belts pieces of gear from the Sanctum of Domination raid. You can also buy a belt from the vendors in Korthia too, tied to the two new reputations; Death’s Advance, and The Archivists’ Codex.
You’ll have access to 9 different Shards of Domination, 3 of them for every of the three types; Unholy, Frost and Blood.
Best In Slot Holy Priest Shadowlands
By socketing 3 of the same type, you’ll be able to unlock the bonus tied to their type. On top of that, you’ll need a specific part tied to that bonus (the helm for Unholy, shoulders for Frost, or the chest for Blood).
As a Holy Priest, you’ll aim for the Unholy set bonus, which is overall stronger HPS-wise.
If you want to optimize your damage a bit more instead of your healing throughput (as long as you don’t let other people die, obviously !), you can go for the Frost bonus too.
Since you’ll have two more domination sockets available after grabbing your bonus, you’ll be able to socket two more shards. Actually, the Tel, Kyr, and Rev shards are the best addition (even though it’ll be small) you can fit in order to improve a bit your healing, so feel free to socket two of these ones!
In general, you want to have as many stats as possible, no secondary is worth dropping item level for. At equal item level in general you prefer intellect, mastery and crit while trying to avoid haste.
Stat Ranking
Intellect > Mastery >= Crit > Versatility > Haste
Stat Outline
Intellect: Increases your spell power which boosts your abilities throughput.
Mastery:Echo of Light - a % of your direct healing is repeated over 6 seconds. Very powerful throughput when it does not overheal. It ticks every 3 seconds, and is NOT affected by haste.
Critical Strike: Increases your chance to crit. Mastery can’t crit by itself, but since the healing is based entirely on the healing done by the spell that proc’ed it, the HoT will be stronger if the initial heal is a crit.
Versatility: Flat out increases damage and healing done, while decreasing damage taken.
Haste: increases casting speed, reduces the global cooldown and reduces the cooldown of Prayer of Mending and Circle of Healing.
Throughput wise, the races are all really close and you will never be forever behind because one chose one race over another.
Goblin does, however, deserve a special shoutout due to their racial offering some much-appreciated mobility.
On the Alliance side, Void Elves have a decent mobility racial as well, and as such are the premier option.
Enchant weapon - Celestial Guidance
Enchant ring - Tenet of mastery
Holy Priest Bis 9.1
Enchant gloves - Shadowlands Gathering (optional)
Enchant chest - Eternal Bounds
Enchant Bracers - Eternal Intellect
Enchant Boots - Speed of Soul
Enchant Cloak - Fortified Leech or Fortified Avoidance
Intellect Gem:Leviathan's Eye of Intellect x1
Mastery Gem:Masterful Jewel Cluster
Armor Kit:Heavy Desolate Armor Kit
Food:Iridescent Ravioli with Apple Sauce
Oil: Embalmer's Oil
Healing Potion:Spiritual Healing Potion
Best Trinkets Holy Priest Shadowlands
Potion:Potion of Sacrificial Anima (with 4x Prayer of Healing or 3x prayer of healing + 1x Holy Word: Sanctify)
Best In Slot Holy Priest Shadowlands Guide
Mana Potion:Potion of Spiritual Clarity
Holy Priest Bis Legendary Shadowlands
Flask:Spectral Flask of Power